2. At the mortition, the raven finds itself looming over a women's body.
3. More of the birds continue to appear, another women storming in to keep them away from the body. Fearful, but dedicated to keeping the women perserved and unscathed in her tomb.
4. Backlash insues from the birdmen, as the fearless women who came to protect the other now lays on the floor- wounded and tied to a board. The birds huddle in discussion of what's to come.
5. The birdmen search the holy home further, bursting through the upstairs bedroom door only to find another one of the women already dead on the ground beside her. The chickens already had gotten to her. Heathens-- bested again, they caw'd.
6. Moving on, the birdmen peer into another room to what seems to have a women staring longingly at a man whose body is propped up and pinned to a board as if he were a scare crow like them.
7. Meanwhile, two women from a place farther away weep in mourning of the news. Two more women dead to the birdmen. Scoundrels. Absolutely. The cab driver, who happened to be a beefy rooster- rolls his eyes at the comotion.
8. Later that night, the two women after reaching their home discover in the late of night that they are not alone. Dropping her lantern, the women gasp then press their backs against the wall as they wait for their home's invader to pass. The bird sounded heavy and his talons tapped the wooden boards.
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